Sunday, January 20, 2008


I miss London.

I wish I was there now.


I miss London.

I wish I was there now.


I miss London.

I wish I was there now.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Two quotes

1. from the tourist office in Vienna

"I have devastating news for aesteths, Vienna was once new".

2. from Leopold Museum

"Beauty is the final stage of the spiritual"

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I and little animal in Vienna:-)

I gave some money to help the animals:-)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

This month my blog has its first anniversary!:-)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU - my blog:-)!!!:-))))


in my opinion all the people should have a hobby as it is an anti-wrinkle cream for our personalities!

Friday, January 4, 2008

The list of the things I want to write about as my memories from Vienna

1. line to Demel Cafe

2. people whom I met!

3. PR for Cracovia - joystick game and what I won:-)

4. The restaurant and there: X-mas carrols - Dean Martin singing, Red Orange tea and Manuel and the "confusion": about my favourite tea.

5. I found the jewelery shop from which I could have almost everything! I fell in love with this shop. Now, it is my favourite, beloved, my dreamful etc!!!!:-))))))

Graben Street rocks!!!:-)

6. Other things that I did or happened to me but I don't recall at the moment!:-(

Missing Vienna

I am missing Vienna and it makes me sad a little bit.

My comp at home is out of order so I can't write!:-(((((

At least there is a sunshine here!:-))))))))))))))

Thursday, January 3, 2008

One important thing:-)

of course I am over him:-)))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hiya All,

I am back:-)))))))).

and now I am a woman in love ..... with Vienna!