Thursday, December 13, 2007

Being a real smart ass:-)

yesterday I've heard that I am a real smart ass - it was a statement from another real smart ass:-) - by the way what a flirting match:-)

now a question arises - if I am a real smart ass in an objective way and I am still hesitating whether I want to be the one - can I change it when I decide that I don't want to be the one?

People please help! I don't know the answer!


SPYC said...

You either ARE or you Aren't. It must come natural. It must flow. It must exude from every part of you all the time to the point that EVEN YOU do not know where these "spurts" of thought come from. It is as if "they" control you and you are always on a wild ride of blurps, blurbs, blips, and alot of....well that's just it, sometimes you never know...that's the fun of it; and the element of SURPRISE and even shock at times. Roll with it, if it is meant to be --it will be. I wouldn't try to "make" it be; and I'm not sure if you have a conscience choice in the matter if it is truely a part of you. You will either feel comfortable or you won't. That's a good barometer.

{So, what level of pressure is yours set at today????}

There She Goes.........

Nika Marchand said...

I am happy to have such clever comments on my blog! Thank you so much!

SPYC said...

. . . and . .Thank You! ;^) ~ P