Sunday, December 16, 2007


Why nobody answers my question re changing the objectivity - vide being a real smart ass post

Do I address too boring questions to my readers?:-))))


SPYC said...

NEVER, Never boring! But what is meant with the word "vide" in this post?
Do you like being a "smart ass" ? Do you get other's attention or make then stop in their direction, or make them laugh? If so, then you will probably do good.
If you feel any sense of accomplishment, or fullfillment, and you are happy when you are doing it, I say It Must Be Done---DO IT!! *(Especially if you make yourself laugh or smile when you are writing!!!!)

Keep having fun!;-D

Nika Marchand said...

vide = look at

I think I like being a smart ass sometimes:-)))

SPYC said...

*YES! . . .You do! ;^)
Keep On Enjoying!! ~ P