Thursday, November 8, 2007

Stefan and his weird-magic stories:-) in Europe

I wrote that they broke my car but being more precise I need to add that it was Stefan not them:-).

Let's begin with his story from Norway.

He went there and visited a museum of ski where he could see an empty place within the exhibition. Above it there was a signature: a 80's missing snowboard from Norway.

A few months later he found a snowboard in Amsterdam, on the street during his lunch break. According to his judgement it was a snowboard from 80's. He claims it is the missing snowboard from Norwegian museum:-). What do you think?????

Now Poland:-)

I will try to make it short otherwise it will be deadly boring.

Stefan lost two coins of 5 PLN in my car and one coin blocked the front seat. Such a scenario disbaled me to use the security system.

When I told them what had happened they couldn't believe it. When they saw it, finally they recognised the issue. Fortunetely they fixed it:-). They said that only two guys would be able to do it:-)))).

It is amazing what a randomly dropped coin can cause:-)!!

It's so good to know I can still be amazed by our world:-)

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